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Compliance | HanseYachts AG


Whistleblower system

The whistleblower system in place at HanseYachts AG gives you the opportunity to inform us about violations of legal regulations and/or compliance rules and thus help us to identify and investigate them.

Observance of legal regulations and internal compliance rules

Compliance with legal regulations and internal compliance rules has the highest priority for HanseYachts AG. It is important that violations are detected at an early stage so that appropriate countermeasures can be initiated to avert potential damage to customers, employees, business partners and the company.

Serious violations within the company

The compliance department of HanseYachts AG has set up a number of reporting channels allowing serious violations within the company to be reported in good time and any tips to be investigated accordingly. These can be used by HanseGroup employees and outsiders alike for supplying information, for example on potential bribery offences, fraud, antitrust violations, violations of the Money Laundering Act or violations of accounting regulations.

How to contact the compliance department of HanseYachts AG

If you have concrete, well-founded indications of serious legal violations or other irregularities within the HanseGroup or have reason to suspect that such violations have taken place, you can contact the compliance department of HanseYachts AG by the following means:

Trusted lawyer: Ole Hecht
Klopstockstrasse 1
22765 Hamburg
Phone: +49 (0)40 460 77 10
Fax: +49 (0)40 460 77 118

HanseYachts AG
Compliance dept.
Ladebower Chaussee 11
17493 Greifswald
Phone: +49 (0)3834 8888 250

Anonymous tips are also possible. In such a case, please provide as many details as possible and, if available, any documents supporting your suspicion – after all, only if sufficiently concrete investigative approaches and possibilities for presenting evidence are available can your tip have any effect.

HanseYachts AG will investigate all tips that it receives. The highest level of confidentiality and fairness in our dealings with the whistleblower shall be ensured while the tips are being investigated. This also applies to any employees who become the subject of accusations.