Corporate Governance
Corporate Governance
Here you will find information on the corporate governance of HanseYachts AG, including key principles, reports, and statements on responsible and transparent corporate management.
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The composition of the Supervisory Board is oriented in line with company interests and must ensure effective monitoring and support for the Management Board, which is why the Supervisory Board members are required in particular to possess the skills, capabilities and professional experience required for properly performing their tasks. In addition, the Supervisory Board is of the opinion that its composition should comply with the principles of diversity. In this context, the Supervisory Board also strives to ensure that women are properly represented.
Accordingly, the Supervisory Board has set a target for the percentage of women on the Supervisory Board of 16.6%. When potential candidates for the Supervisory Board are reviewed, qualified women are to be included in the selection process and given due consideration in the election proposals. Where several candidates are equally qualified, it shall be examined whether a female candidate should be given preference with a view to ensuring that women are properly represented. The Supervisory Board considers the participation of women to this extent to be appropriate in view of the gender balance of the other executives in the company and in view of other companies in the industry.
As at 30 June 2017, no women are represented on the Management Board of HanseYachts AG. The Supervisory Board defined a target quota for the percentage of women on the Management Board of 33.3%. The percentage of women represented at the two management levels below the Management Board is 15%. This figure was to be increased to 21% by 30 June 2018.
Whistleblower system
The whistleblower system in place at HanseYachts AG gives you the opportunity to inform us about violations of legal regulations and/or compliance rules and thus help us to identify and investigate them.
Observance of legal regulations and internal compliance rules
Compliance with legal regulations and internal compliance rules has the highest priority for HanseYachts AG. It is important that violations are detected at an early stage so that appropriate countermeasures can be initiated to avert potential damage to customers, employees, business partners and the company.
Serious violations within the company
The compliance department of HanseYachts AG has set up a number of reporting channels allowing serious violations within the company to be reported in good time and any tips to be investigated accordingly. These can be used by HanseGroup employees and outsiders alike for supplying information, for example on potential bribery offences, fraud, antitrust violations, violations of the Money Laundering Act or violations of accounting regulations.
Code of Conduct
At HanseYachts AG, we place great importance on ethical behavior and responsibility. Our Code of Conduct defines the standards for integrity and fairness within our company. The Supplier Code of Conduct ensures that our suppliers uphold these values regarding labor conditions, environmental protection, and ethical conduct. Together, we promote a sustainable and fair business culture.
Further Corporate Documents
Here you will find additional corporate documents of HanseYachts AG, including the remuneration report, providing further information on the company’s governance
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