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Apprentice boatbuilder (Specialization "Technical Yacht Systems")

Alongside our in-house development department and our sales offices, boatbuilding is the beating heart of HanseYachts AG. We have more than 600 boatbuilders working in two large halls at our boatyard, assembling more than 40 different yacht models for our six brands. At HanseYachts AG, final assembly of our sailing and motor yachts takes place on production lines, which ensures a highly efficient and effective process.

Each of our yachts comprises hundreds of different parts, which means that our apprentice boatbuilders are required to work with a wide range of materials and joining methods. For example, there are hulls and decks made from glass-fibre-reinforced plastic (GFRP), as well as teak decks; windows made from special safety glass; and interior fittings made from wood bonded with waterproof adhesives as well as upholstery fabric and leather. Our founding brand Hanse alone offers every customer the ability to configure a one-of-a-kind sailing yacht from 11,500 different options, which means that our boatbuilding operations need to be exceptionally flexible.

The boatbuilder apprenticeship lasts three and a half years. When they begin their apprenticeships, our apprentice boatbuilders can choose to focus on building, fit-out and modification or on technology. The first two years of the course deal primarily with manufacturing sub-assemblies by hand and using machinery, as well as installing technical equipment such as tiller or wheel steering. This is followed by the first part of the final apprentice’s examination. In the third year of the course, our apprentice boatbuilders can pick between two disciplines. Building, fit-out and modification involves a more detailed study of hull manufacture and fit-out as well as surface finishing. The technology discipline focuses on drive, propulsion and rudder systems as well as the installation of on-board electrical and electronic systems. The boatbuilder’s apprenticeship is then completed with the second part of the final apprentice’s examination.

Course content:

  • Manufacturing and joining components for yachts, both by hand and using machinery
  • Installing and maintaining technical equipment such as electrical and electronic systems as well as marine engine systems in sailing and motor yachts
  • Hull and deck design 


  • Good Realschule school-leaving qualifications
  • Good at working with your hands
  • Understanding of technical matters
  • Teamwork skills 

Course length: Three and a half years

Course location:

  • Landesberufsschule für Bootsbauer, a state vocational school for boatbuilders run by the chamber of crafts in Lübeck (teaching module)
  • Practical module at HanseYachts AG

Start date: 1 September 2024

Apply now
Any questions about apprenticeships? We’re here to help! You can contact our HR representative from 09:00 to 16:00 from Monday to Thursday and from 09:00 to 14:00 on Fridays, or via e-mail.

Representative: Beate Engelbrecht
HanseYachts AG
Ladebower Chaussee 11
17493 Greifswald, Germany
Phone: +49 (0)3834 579 2200

Beate Engelbrecht | HanseYachts AG